Can I Sign My Passport With A Ballpoint Pen?

Pens are simply useful materials for everybody. Ballpoint pens, to be very specific, serve numerous purposes, and one of those purposes is for writing or signing of important documents. These documents, however, may vary.

For now, I would like us to have our main focus on passports. Yes, I believe everyone knows what passports are unless you have been living under a rock or something.

Can I sign my passport with a ballpoint pen? When you sign your passport, be sure to use a non-ballpoint pen to keep it from smearing or damaging the document. To further avoid any damage, ensure the ink is dry before closing the book. If you run into a problem when signing your passport, there is always a solution.

For example, if you run out of ink before signing and use a different pen, you can always draw a line through the original signature, and then rewrite your signature above it. This should not cause you any trouble when travelling to other countries.


What other pens can I sign my passport with?

Use a blue or black ink felt-tip, rollerball or calligraphy pen. This Amazon Basics Felt Tip Marker pen is a good example of a felt-tip pen suitable for the signing of passports, while this Micron Blister Card Ink Pen is arguably the best calligraphy pen out there! These pens are highly durable and affordable too!

Is a ballpoint pen the best to sign my passport with?

Absolutely not! You should use a non-ballpoint pen. Sign your passport using your typical signature. Make sure the ink is dry before closing your passport in order to prevent smearing the signature. A passport signature is not required for the Passport Card.

I have always heard that ball-point pen ink is easier to erase (for fraudulent purposes) and fades faster over time in comparison to felt tip pens where the ink is better absorbed into the material written on; you know, like paper fibres making up a passport page.

Also, it is basically much more permanent and cannot be erased by frauds or anyone else in that kind of circle.

It is basically a preferred way of signing many documents. Although, some government instructions make it sound like you will be struck down by lightning or your government document invalidated if signing with a ballpoint pen.

Well, sometimes, that is the only way to get more people to do it the preferred way. Try to put some fear of God (or the State Department or IRS) in them.

Heck! Some ballpoint pens are so cheap it is hard enough to get decent ink flow when they are brand new.

3 Best Pen to sign passport and other documents

Most organizations that receive documents with “wet signatures” prefer them to be signed in blue ink, to differentiate those from copies.

Nowadays, most companies or courts allow you to sign forms using a ballpoint pen. Most require you to use a black pen as it photo-copies better. Some require you to use a blue colour to make sure it is an original signature and not a photocopy!

A Montblanc pen is one of the best pens for signing documents and passports. The creators of Marlblanc want their products to be the highest representative in the world of writing tools, just like Montblanc, the summit of Europe.

And they did it. Over the past hundred years, leaders of many countries have signed important treaties with a Montblanc ink pen, making it a witness of historic moments.

Do I sign my passport with a pen?

A signature must be completed with black or blue ink only, pencils or other ink colours are not permitted. Passport owners must also ensure ink dries before closing the passport.

I understand that there are spaces on the passport to be filled with a pencil because changes tend to happen during the range of ownership and validity of the passport. So, you must have a pencil and a suitable pen to sign your passport.

Why are you not supposed to sign your passport in a ballpoint pen?

Due to the faults that ballpoint pens develop and all, it is not advisable to use them to sign your passport. Okay listen, this is not a matter of making use of expensive writing materials to sign your very important and international documents. It is rather about the quality and durability of both the brand of pen you use and the type of ink inside of it.

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What colour ink is preferable to sign my passport?

Blue ink has a more positive effect on our minds. Unlike red pens, which may trigger stronger feelings and negativity because they are often used to mark mistakes. Blue ink has a soothing effect and keeps you calm.

Essentially, it will not disrupt your thought process while filling out paperwork but instead lets you concentrate on inputting the right and correct information.

Black ink is also a good option for any other types of legal and official documents, and in general, you should use it unless told otherwise.

Some governments, including that of China, are so serious about this that they may reject forms based on the type of ink used to fill them out.

The logic behind using black ink is simple — it allows for easier digitising and copying. Black ink shows up better in copies and scans, unlike blue, which may appear a bit faint. Of course, we have much better scanners and copiers nowadays that would not make using blue ink a problem. Still, the habit persists.

Finally, black ink may be the most reasonable choice for business too. It simply seems more serious than using other colours, even blue.

That could easily change the perception of certain documents and make them seem more important and, above all, professional.

What professional ink colours can be used to sign professional documents generally?

Professional documents call for the use of professional ink colours — and there are hardly any exceptions here. Using the wrong ink can do a lot more harm than you think.

Rejection is just one of the potential outcomes. The really unlucky ones may even be suspected of fraudulent activity. That has already been explained earlier.

Before starting, remember to read the entire document first and look for any instructions before filling it out. If there are any rules regarding the ink colour, there will be a clear directive about it.

The best option when filling out professional documents is to use black or blue ink. Stay far away from any reds, greens, or purples.

I mean, why in God’s name would you use green or purple colours?! Moreover, do not even think about using a pencil. Any pencil marks can be easily erased or changed, causing even more harm down the line. The only time you can be allowed to use a pencil is when it is boldly stated on the document to make use of a pencil.

In addition, when faced with any professional documents, how do you choose between black and blue? Well — each colour fits a different scenario!

Why is it important to sign a passport?

Alright, you see, this is absolutely none of my business but I’ll let you know anyway. The signature of the owner of the passport is an added security feature provided to protect the holder.

You must also understand that a passport book is valid only when signed by the bearer in the space designated for signature, or, if the bearer is unable to sign, signed by a person with legal authority to sign on his or her behalf. Although, a  passport card can still be valid even without the signature of the bearer.

What happens if my pen ruins my passport?

If you signed your passport incorrectly or there is a mistake in your signature, you may leave it if it is not too bad. If you think you need to change it, simply strike a single line through the mistake and sign the correct signature.

If this is not good enough, you may need to apply for a replacement passport. Therefore, you have to be careful with the type of pen you use to sign your passport.

Oftentimes, people do sign their passports with the right pens but still make mistakes because of being extremely nervous or simply excited. Whenever any of that happens, do not blame your pen brand, blame yourself!

Can I Sign My Passport With A Ballpoint Pen – Final Thoughts 

Everyone knows that passports are absolutely official documents and should therefore be treated with extreme care. Signatures on them are just as important too.

First, you need to know exactly what to do on a passport document, and you must be certain what kind of pen and pen ink is required on the documents you’re signing.

Extreme precautions must be acknowledged and taken because they are incredibly necessary. And I believe, with the above information, you can sign your passport with ease and confidence without having any fear of making mistakes or passport rejection.

If you have more questions, be sure to leave them in the comments section and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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